Tools :
Cool Name Maker Tools :
- Top and bottom line (Garis Atas + Bawah). Ex : A̳̿l̳̿i̳̿ H̳̿a̳̿d̳̿i̳̿
- Name crossed out (Nama Dicoret) . Ex : R̶a̶f̶
- Name crossed out with a slash (nama dicoret dengan garis miring). Ex: R̶a̶f̶s̸a̸n̸j̸a̸n̸i̸
Result :
A̳̿l̳̿i̳̿ H̳̿a̳̿d̳̿i̳̿ R̶a̶f̶s̸a̸n̸j̸a̸n̸i̸
Thank's :
- Zona Devil
Arguing as lovers still get along better than alone
bagus juga ya kreatif, tapi jangan sampai alih-alih terlihat malah jadi alay.. hehehe :D
BalasHapusBener Mas :)
HapusKalo udah Limit Change Manenya Bisa..?